3 Ways To Increase Your Garage Door Lifespan

Posted on: 15 July 2022

Utmost care is necessary to keep your garage door efficient for a long time. Failure to do so could bring hefty garage door replacement costs. Discover three tips to increase the lifespan of your garage door.

1. Lubricate Movable Parts

Your garage door consists of different components, some of which move during every operation. Some of the mobile parts that require lubrication include:

  • The opener's chain saw or screw to ensure your opener doesn't use too much power to open or close the door
  • The hinges that hold your garage doors' panels together to reduce strain when the door moves
  • Rollers to ease the movement of the bearings

You should also understand the suitable lubricant for every part to prevent further problems. For example, don't use grease on the rollers since it will attract dirt and dust that clog your rollers. Also, some manufacturers have specific preferences so check your manual to confirm whether your garage door needs particular lubricants.

If you can't handle all these hassles, a local garage door maintenance company can do the lubrication for you.

2. Maintain the Exterior

Check your garage door's condition and take corrective steps based on its material. For example, check for splinters, warps, and peeled paint if you have a wooden garage door. Proper maintenance of the exterior garage door parts safeguards against frequent wear and tear. As a result, you improve curb appeal and extend the lifespan of your garage door.

Garage door panels get dirty over time, and sanitation is not just a matter of aesthetics but it also increases the lifespan of your garage door. Dirty panels are more prone to corrosion, hence a lower lifetime. Garage door cleanups don't always cost you a lot of time and money but save you a lot of unnecessary problems. Use a mild soap to wash your door and scrub with a nonabrasive sponge or cloth.

If you don't have the tools for exterior garage door maintenance, garage door maintenance companies can sort you out.

3. Test Your Garage Door's Balance and Safety Features Frequently

Your garage door's balance test informs you of the conditions of your springs, tensioners, and cables. Since frequent wear-and-tear causes an imbalance in your door, always check for stability. To perform the test, manually pull your door halfway, then let go. If your garage door falls or tips to one or both sides, your tension springs are worn out.

Your garage door may also contain safety sensors that protect you and your family from harm. Sensor maintenance is simple because you need to wipe off any dust with a clean piece of cloth. Otherwise, dirty sensors or unbalanced doors overwhelm the motor and wear your garage door faster. Garage door maintenance professionals have the expertise to undertake garage door balancing.


Generally, the better the care you give to your garage door, the longer service life you get. The tips discussed above don't take much effort, but they go a long way to save you the hefty cost of frequent repairs.

In case you need garage door maintenance, call a local garage door maintenance company to undertake the job.
